Saturday, May 31, 2014

The beginning of another adventure

There's something about sitting, alone, in a crowded bar surrounded by others sitting alone. Each of us with our own device in front of us, some single travelers chatting each other up, most  wrapped up in themselves, either not wanting to interact, or afraid to look up and connect. Or afraid of rejection, a drink in one hand, a device in the other.
As I ready to embark on yet another solor adventure, I'm questioning myself. Should I be going? Why in the world do I think going to Hawaii ALONE is a good idea? Of course, even if I talk to no one while I'm there, I need the time alone. To get OUT of my own head. Or perhaps to work out what's going on inside my head without all the distractions of my life. I'm happy with my life, but get caught up in going here and there that I often don't have the time to sit and listen. Though that's what I need to do the most. All the time especially with a 5-year-old constantly wanting, and needing, my attention. I've been finding my patience has been waning and a vacation from my life is exactly what I need. And as my professional life is at a turning point -- my publisher told me this week that the July  issue will be our last -- I need some time to meditate on what that means for me and where I need to go. I have a pretty good idea, but everything needs some sand, sun and relaxation while they work themselves out. Sure, I've got all those things at home, but I also have a house that always needs something done, a 5-year-old who loves and adores me (and whom I love and adore), and a million other things that I'd choose before me. I did comtemplate a staycation, but realized that getting thousands of miles away would be a better idea, I couldn't just head home when I missed my daughter (and I already do!)
While I almost thought I should cancel my trip (yeah, I thought this only an hour ago), I'm here and I'm going. And I need it.

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